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  • HR system
  • Chrome extension
AI-powered email assistant for recruiters. Streamlining the process of candidate outreach with advanced AI capabilities in the Chrome extension.
In today’s competitive talent market, generic outreach emails simply won’t cut it. Every candidate is willing to feel personally addressed, understood, and valued from the very first email.
This vision is now a reality with Hiremii’s Sourcd browser extension, developed by IvorySoft.
Phone with laptop
About the project
Hiremii is a cloud-based recruitment software that simplifies hiring by automating tedious manual tasks. Their game-changing technology quickly connects top talent to the right roles. With their main products, Shortlist and AdWriter, finding the best candidates and crafting great job ads has never been easier. Together, we’ve taken it a step further with, making recruitment smarter and faster.
Scope of work
Our primary goal for was to build a comprehensive recruitment solution from the ground up. We focused on designing a user-friendly UI and UX, developing a robust server to handle client requests and interact with OpenAI, and implementing several key features to enhance the overall functionality.
technologies used:
AWS services
task 1
Develop a server to process client requests, generate prompts for OpenAI, and ensure smooth data flow.
task 2
Createand manage OpenAI requests, set up passwordless authentication, and store templates for user convenience.
task 3
Improve the accuracy of OpenAI responses by refining request instructions and maintaining a detailed request history.
UI/UX solutions
For the design, we created a simple, clean, and intuitive interface that fits well into a recruiter’s workflow. Users can easily select the tone, use case, job title, and key skills for their messages. We made sure to include clear options and helpful suggestions to guide them through the process.
How we built the extension with our tech choices
By cherry-picking the best technologies out there, we crafted powerful, intuiive, secure, and user-friendly extension. Here’s the scoop on the tech our developers chose to make Sourcd tick.
Integration with OpenAI API
Our development process for centered around the OpenAI API. We put a lot of effort into configuring and fine-tuning the API requests to ensure the highest quality and most relevant responses. By using specific tags and examples during prompt creation, we managed to boost the quality of the outputs.
AWS environment configuration
Configuring the AWS environment allowed us to create a robust and scalable infrastructure. This setup ensured reliable performance and minimal downtime, which is crucial for a high-demand application like
Secure user authentication with Auth0
To keep things secure, we integrated Auth0 for user authentication. This made the login process smooth and safe for users. With such a platform, users could easily register, log in, and access all the app’s features. Plus, the Auth0 dashboard allowed our clients to manage users efficiently.
User experience optimization
From start to finish, our team kept the user experience front and center. Using React, we built a responsive and intuitive interface. Our design choices, guided by user research, made the platform easy to navigate, perfectly aligning with what recruitment professionals need.
The final touch
As a result, the IvorySoft team has built a system that stands up to today’s challenges and is ready for tomorrow’s innovations. Waving goodbye to one-size-fits-all emails, this AI email writer helps craft personalized messages to candidates in seconds, not hours. We’re proud to have created a tool that truly transforms the recruitment process, making it smarter and more efficient.
Hi James, we were impressed with your profile and would like to invite you to join our team at Hiremii. Are you interested in discussing this opportunity further?
I am very interested and would love to discuss it!
Great to hear! When would you be available for a call to discuss the details?
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