HR management systems development for startups and established businesses

Ivorysoft approach to HR Systems development

IvorySoft helps HR agencies become high-performing and more strategic about key tasks like recruiting and employee database management. We help simplify complex workflows, deliver the best payroll systems - you name it!

How can Ivorysoft help your business in HR Systems

IvorySoft can create the solution ‘wrapping’ all your work in a single tool. You’ll get efficient internal communication, streamlined workflows, and, as a result, great talent engagement and retention

Our expertise

CRM For Lead Management

Instant Messaging

Supporting Different Communication Channels (iMessage/ Telegram/WhatsApp)

Additional Contact Channels Like A Desktop-Telegram One

CRM For Lead Management

Instant Messaging

Supporting Different Communication Channels (iMessage/ Telegram/WhatsApp)

Additional Contact Channels Like A Desktop-Telegram One

We concentrate on:
Smart architecture
We make valuable HR resources at employees’ hands, easily accessible, intuitive, and user-friendly. The smart infrastructure allows having access to any HR information anywhere and anytime, making HR workers more productive
Simplicity for users
Whatever the project’s complexity is, at the end of the day, we deliver a user-friendly, absolutely convenient technological solution. By simplifying elaborate architecture, we deliver an excellent user experience without compromising the quality
No hold times and call transfers within the department! IvorySoft creates fast and responsive mobile solutions, eliminating any friction or pain points in the process. We make things available in real-time at your fingertips
Our HR portfolio:
Looking to create a perfect solution?